Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daring Bakers November 2011: Filipino Desserts

The November 2011 Daring Bakers Challenge had 2 wonderful recipes - the amazing Sans Rival Cake and the Biingka. Sadly, I could do neither in their original form as the number of eggs required were just too many. For the same reason, a modified version also became difficult:( to create. I really did not want to attempt messing around with such beautiful recipes. But I really wanted tomparticipate in this challenge. So, in the end, I chose to a completely different dessert, Filipino nevertheless, and equally delicious as the ones chosen above! Photographs and details on my return from vacation!!

Post Script: Catherine of Munchie Musings was our November 2011 Daring Bakers host and she challenged us to make a traditional Filipino dessert - the delicious Sans Rival Cake! And for those of us who wanted to try additional Filipino dessert, Catherine also gave us a bonus recipe for Bibingka which comes from her friend Jun of Jun-Blog.

All content, text and photographs in this blog, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright of © Annarasa 2007 - 2012. All Rights Reserved. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daring Cooks November 2011: An Apple Tea Cake (Eggless)

The Daring Cooks November 2011 challenge was to create a delicious food recipe using tea! Yes, tea! As anyone who reads my blog will know, tea is my favorite beverage. I enjoy it black, milky with sugar, with spices, green, white, herbal, hot and cold!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daring Bakers October 2011: A Savoury Take on the Povitica

This Daring Bakers Challenge was interesting albeit after the festive season in October, I could barely stand to see more sugar!! So I decided to tweak this challenge a little to suit our tastes as well as make it savoury!! The filling for this savoury version of the Povitica is a delicious Spicy Walnut Paste, made with walnuts, parsley, green chilies,pomegranate molasses and garlic!! I have also not used egg in the bread or the filling.I could have replaced the egg with some oil for the filling and that's the reason why the whirls are missing on the inside of the bread! These changes aside, I have followed the bread recipe as is.