The August 2009 Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Angela of A Spoonful of Sugar and Lorraine of Not Quite Nigella. They chose the spectacular Dobos Torte based on a recipe from Rick Rodgers' cookbook Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Caffés of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague.
Here is my version of it. I made a Chocolate Buttercream, and sandwiched it in a vanilla sponge. There is a hint of coffee liquor in the caramelised nuts on top of the cake - mmmm:) I made a very small cake - just one serving each for us! I figured that this would be about enough, besides I don't like to keep creamy cakes in the refrigerator - I don't have a sweet tooth and things just tend to vegetate there until its time to chuck them out - I really did not want to do that to this lovely torte!!

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