Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Gift, A Beautiful Red Tulip, and Eyesight for Colton

A few weeks ago Carol Egbert @ asked a simple question!! The question concerned the name of a certain fruit that I love: the Loquat. A correct answer won me a wonderful gift :)

To my delight, some days later, I received an incredibly beautiful hand made book with a picture painted by Carol herself!! Carol, it turns out, is based out of vermont and has her own studio where she paints watercolours.

I encourage you to visit her blog where at present she has a link to her first eBook, Carrots, available from Scribd. Also visit her and her website @ WatercolorsVT where many her beautiful paintings are displayed. Thanks Carol for sharing your paintings with me. I have added a link to your studio to my blog :)

I have been doing quite a bit of gardening lately.And the rain has really helped. I managed to put the Cosmos saplings and the Dahlia bulbs into the ground. Can't wait for the blooms to appear. In the interim, this beautiful red tulip greets me every morning when I sip my tea by the window. Here it is!! In full bloom!!

Sight is a wonderful thing that we take for granted all too often. Colton is a wonderful teenager from a loving and beautiful family. He was born very premature and procedures employed to save his life resulted in retinal detachment. As a result he has total blindness in one eye and severe eye damage in the other.
Now an experimental surgery, not covered by insurance may be able to restore some sight to his eyes for the first time.If you would like to help Colton, visit the site created by his mother Holly @ My Pretend Book and buy one of the books she has put together to help fund Colton's surgery. You can also access the site scrolling to the bottom of this page.
All text and photographs in this blog, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright of © Annarasa 2007 - 2013. All Rights Reserved. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. Apu, good info dear. Will try to visit both the sites you mention and that is a wonderful looking tulip. I am waiting for my tulips to bloom :)

  2. Congrats . The fruit you have named is new to me :)

  3. Aparna!
    Thank you for adding Colton's information to your blog. Our blog site address is:
    Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
    Holly (Colton's mom-Holly)

  4. wonderful post..I like your presentation Apu.
    First time here...Amazed by your space here...Glad to follow u. Do drop in at my space sometime..

  5. Thanks so much for this info. I will be looking into this...such a good cause!

  6. Congrats on winning Apu ! Will check out both the sites you mentioned....lovely tulips ! I planted dahlia bulbs too and I am waiting for it to bloom too :-)


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Apu @ Annarasa