Friday, August 14, 2009

Kheer for Krishna Janmashtami | Kheer Recipes

Rice KheerMilk and milk products rule on Krishna Janmashtami. After considering some options I decided to go for the traditional Kheer - rice pudding with Saffron and Cardamom!!

3 cups milk (full fat)
1/3 cup Basmati rice
6 cardamom pods
3-4 strands saffron
2 tbsp sugar

  1. Wash the rice and let it sit in 1 cup water.
  2. Place the milk in a heavy bottomed pan. Cook and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, add the saffron and cardamom pods. Continue cooking until the quantity is halved. You may have to stir every so often, else the milk might catch the bottom of the pan and you will get a burnt flavour.
  3. Drain the rice, and add to the milk. Bring to a boil, then cover and cook until done. You can continue to cook until the pudding is thick.
  4. Add the sugar, mix well.
  5. Cool slightly, then pour into a serving dish, and refrigerate once it is completely cooled.
This Kheer will keep well in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

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  1. Belated Krishna Janmashatmi wishes..:).Kheer looks lovely,I am yet to try this version,for me its always the south Indian version Paayasam..:)

  2. @ Parita:
    Kheer is always comfort food.

    @ Divya:
    Let me know how it turns out!!


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