Monday, April 27, 2009

Abbey's Infamous Cheesecake - A Daring Baker's Challenge

The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey's Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge.

This month has been extremely hectic for me - in fact I have not been able to update my blog at all:( But I did do the DB Challenge and here is the result.

My version is eggless and has a hint of citrus flavour - as I added pure lemon juice into it. Deliciously tart with fresh sweet oranges on the side!!

All text and photographs in this blog, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright of © Annarasa 2007. All Rights Reserved. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. It looks so creamy..nice one

  2. Love cheese cakes. Looks so tempting.

  3. Nice cake come out beautifully

  4. Thanks for being a part of the April Daring Baker's Challenge!

    Jenny of JennyBakes

  5. Happy to see you managed to do the DB challenge. Looks good.
    I went eggless too.:)
    Btw, my sis brought me the books and the icing set too. Thanks for all the help.


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Apu @ Annarasa