Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Watermelon Slurpee with Nat King Cole

Watermelon Slurpee - just the sound of that on hot August afternoon is inviting!! Yes, what in these parts are called the 'dog days of summer' are here again. The heat index is through the roof with high humidity and not a cloud in sight. The garden is green, and I noticed this morning (as I have been the last month or so) that the plump yellow and black bumblebee is back and busy sucking nectar from the bright yellow cucumber flowers.

Hey its time for the bike rides around the lake, and popcorn and iced drinks at outdoor movies on stretched screens!! Farmer's markets, summerfests, music in the park, and picnic lunch!! Mmmm - roll out those lazy crazy hazy days of summer ... you'll wish that summer could always be here.... Yup Nat King Cole had it quite right and I do wish that it could always be summer. But hey, who am I kidding? I live in the land of the tornado and 100+ inches of snow in the winter!!!! So here's something to make summer more memorable - the sweetness of beautiful ripe watermelon captured is a freezing cool drink.

21/2 cups fresh watermelon, chilled, seeded, and cubed
1/2 cup crushed ice
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp mint leaves
A few extra sprigs mint
Pinch of Salt

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and give a spin.
  2. Pour into tall glasses, garnish with mint leaves, and serve immediately.
    Slurp this delicious cool drink at your leisure!!
All text and photographs in this blog, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright of © Annarasa 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. Looks delicious.
    I'm not envying your "ice age", but its getting uncomfortably warm and that plump yellow and black bumble bee just severely stung me last weekend!
    So much for summer.:)

  2. looks refreshing .. love watermelon .. love the flavor mint adds to it

  3. Watermelon is a treat in Summers..be it whole fruit or juice or slurpie..anything will beat that heat of summer

  4. Lovely pics..something for u here http://simpleindianfood.blogspot.com/2008/08/ganesh-chaturthi-naivedyam.html

  5. Watermelon is one of my favorite summer foods. This sounds like a great idea.


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