Friday, February 1, 2013

Daring Bakers January 2013: Gevulde Speculaas (Eggless)

What a way to begin the year!! It was such fun to learn about Gevelde Speculaas and the history of spices in the Netherlands from our hostess Francijin. Though I have made Speculaas at home in the past (I have a recipe from a really ancient cook book), and bought them from local bakeries, I had not yet tried the stuffed version.

The pastry was so easy to make and the part I loved most was the detailed breakup on spices and how to bring them together to make the Speculaas. I loved the make-ahead instructions and made the same over a two day period. I followed the recipe with a few changes. I replaced the milk in the recipe with soy milk, dropped the egg from the almond filling altogether, and made only half the recipe. Even so, the pastry baked beautifully, cut well, and tasted absolutely smashing!! This recipe is a keeper and I will be baking it again and again!

Click here for the complete January 2013 Daring Bakers Challenge!

Post Script: Francijn of Koken in de Brouwerij was our January 2013 Daring Bakers’ Hostess and she challenged us to make the traditional Dutch pastry, Gevulde Speculaas from scratch! That includes making our own spice mix, almond paste and dough! Delicious!

Like this recipe. Tried it. Leave me a comment:)

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Apu @ Annarasa